Aura Reading of the Roses

The Aura Reading of the Roses was created in the 1980s in Berkeley, California.

The technique was created by channeling with 140 angels for 3 years.

A highly personalized experience that harnesses information stored in your auras of the present moment.

Like how an X-ray shows detailed images of your spine, aura readings reveal insights into your energy fields (auras).

Learning what is happening in your energy fields gives clarity to the mind and gentleness to the heart. It brings confidence to make decisions on your own.

One session is two hours | $340

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present.
— Lao Tzu

How does it work?

The reading starts by the reader channeling with the client’s auras (the energy field) and sees different kinds of images in her closed eyes. The first image shows up as a rose with characters which explains the world of the client’s auras. And the reading goes on. Images are mostly abstract and metaphoric which talk to the client in a very personal way.

When is a good time to receive aura readings?

It's best when you are having difficulties making decisions, feeling lost, not understanding yourself. When you have given your best and not happy with the result. Your partner is not listening. Going through a crisis. Seeking to live the best version of yourself.

Kumi's approach

Kumi's Aura Reading focuses on each person's unique gift.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee says

"Every human being has a unique note to play in the symphony of life. When it's played, it makes the most beautiful contribution that nobody else can make, because each person is a unique creation by the divine."

Kumi's mission is to help find each person's unique note that is given by the divine and let one play in the grand symphony of life.

Ko-an Spiritual Q&A Session

Ko-an: a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment.

(Definition & Meaning by Merrion-Webster)

Learning and Understanding how to work with The Unknown.

A Ko-an session is a spiritual consultation that guides you to understand the laws of the energy world, different spiritual maps and systems by talking about happenings in your life and asking questions. We meet once a month for 3~4 sessions or more. Home work will be given each session.

For those who are having energy attacks, heart awakening or depressions, it is recommended to start with Ko-an sessions before aura readings.

One session is one hour or sometimes longer | $150

Ko-an Session Testimonials

Kumi, Thank you for a really wonderful afternoon. I’m still letting a lot of the things you said settle into their proper place. Today was a good, good, good day. I appreciate you so much.
— Sufi/Photographer, S.M.
You were very helpful during a very dark period in my life and helped me overcome my anger, allowing me to rise above and focus on the important items in life. I’m very grateful for your help and guidance.
— Realtor S.L.
I am so thankful that I know you.
— Seeker/Mother P.L.

Energy Body Work and Massage

Kumi is a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist, a graduate of the Swedish Institute. She has certifications of many modalities, including Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder) and Post-Op Treatment by the Academy of the Lymphatic Studies. She is a Reiki Practitioner (Usui Level 3) trained and certified by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She developed her intuition by taking care of many bodies since 2006.

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